Sunday, January 6, 2008

WEEK 1 - Lady of Plaça Catalunya, Barcelona Spain - Oil on Canvas 10"x 10"

The first painting I've chosen to paint is the statue at Placa Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. We spent two days there in August of 2007. I was captured by the beauty and simplicity of this staute, the reflection on the water and the glances of the two subjects. As you look at this painting you can imagine the thoughts of the woman on the left or the quick glance over the shoulder by the man. I hope you have fun interpreting your own story as you look at this piece.


  1. Woah!! Great work Dave.
    I seriously thought this was a photo from your trip, then realized it's a painting.
    I'm thinking the statue has a few thoughts of her own, with the man giving a double-take.
    Keep on.
    Glen C

  2. Hey Dave,
    Had a peek and loved your first painting - my first thought was that the statue shows the back of the woman and then you added the passerby as the front view of the woman - sort of how you imagine her to look - kind of a cool twist - even if it wasn't intentional - her arm wrapped around her neck makes one think it was intentional.
    Nice to see you try some different styles.

  3. Yes, very interesting, different responses from both people.
    Well done, nice coloring.

  4. Dave I will try again. Left a comment but don't know where it went.
    Your very first painting of the year got my vote. It was hard.. there were so many great pictures and all so different. But this picture and intrigued me from day one. Love it.

    Cousin grace
