Wednesday, December 31, 2008

WEEK 52-The End-Oil on Linen 10"x10"


This is "The End" of my Painting a Week. One year ago, 52 paintings later, it has been a fun project.
I want to thank all of those that have followed through out the year and to those that have purchased a painting.
One of the most common comments is that the paintings look better than they do in the blog. It's true.
This painting is me on the left and my good friend Ed on the right, riding off on a horse hunt. I painted it from a photo my daughter took of us.

As I look to 2009 I'm not sure what I'll be painting or how many I'll paint. If you have a scene you would like to commission me to paint, drop me an email. There are still 28 paintings unsold so have a browse.

Monday, December 22, 2008

WEEK 51-Evening's Glow-Oil on Canvas -10"x10"


I look outside and there is about a foot and a half of snow, and it's cold ,sooo.... I figured I would warm things up with a red sunset burning in the sky kind of painting. Doesn't that feel better?

Monday, December 15, 2008

WEEK 50-Corey Doak-Oil on Linen -10"x10"


Corey's one of my favorite local musicians. He played for my Christmas Art Show, despite minus 19 temperatures there was still a great turnout. Thank you to Corey Doak and to all that braved the cold weather.

Monday, December 8, 2008

WEEK 49-Orchard-Acrylic on Canvas -10"x10"


An impressionistic okanagan orchard scene. We live in such a beautiful part of the world.

Monday, December 1, 2008

WEEK 48 - 17th Ave.-Oil on Canvas - 10" x 10"


We dropped our son off at Ambrose University this past September. We went out for dinner on 17th ave. and this painting was from that experience.