Wednesday, December 31, 2008

WEEK 52-The End-Oil on Linen 10"x10"


This is "The End" of my Painting a Week. One year ago, 52 paintings later, it has been a fun project.
I want to thank all of those that have followed through out the year and to those that have purchased a painting.
One of the most common comments is that the paintings look better than they do in the blog. It's true.
This painting is me on the left and my good friend Ed on the right, riding off on a horse hunt. I painted it from a photo my daughter took of us.

As I look to 2009 I'm not sure what I'll be painting or how many I'll paint. If you have a scene you would like to commission me to paint, drop me an email. There are still 28 paintings unsold so have a browse.


  1. Dave;
    It has been an enjoyable journey, following you thru' this year. Thank you for sharing your incredible talent with us this way. An appropriate finish to this project. Would have been interesting had your first one been the other end of the horse.
    All in all, I have to say, well done. I look forward to see what lies ahead.

  2. Dave, you are a great friend and as good of an artist. You have done so well with the 52 pieces of creativity. Keep it up and we are honored and blessed to have some of your work hanging in our home. Take Care Jim and Janice

  3. This was my second favourite. Again it is so real to see, I feel as though I am looking at the photo taken by your daughter. I like it because it is a self portrait of sorts and I knew it was you on the left before I read the description.

  4. Hi Dave.

    I might be biased, but the Horse paintigs that you do are amazing.
    Your a great friend, you do such great work.

    Cheers Charlene
